Why the EDGE?

Why the EDGE?

I wanted to take a moment today to talk about why youth ministers and students alike have chosen to attend the Edge Student and Leaders Conference.  I hope that you will consider these things and perhaps even share them with your youth and youth ministry friends.

 1) Location
We have been very selective about the locations we have chosen for specific reasons. The places that host the Edge Conference are large enough to house our worship celebrations, our Bible studies, and our lodging. This way, youth leaders and students do not have to load in and out of their vans for every ministry moment of the weekend. They can also walk directly from their rooms to the conference activities and not have to spend time waiting outside in the middle of winter.

 2) Leadership Training and Bible Studies

We are excited to offer not only large group worship experiences, but also smaller group Bible studies as well. Every student will have the opportunity to enjoy a Bible study with 40-70 other students.  We also want to be equipping leaders while inspiring the teens, so we offer leadership training for all youth workers at every event from some of the best youth ministry leaders in the country.

 3) Quality
Even though we aren’t (and aren’t trying to be) as large as many of the exciting conferences that happen in the winter, we strive to do everything well. From our sound, to our lights, to our lodging, to our servant workers, and all the way to the folks you see on the stage, we effort excellence. We want you to have the highest quality experience we could possibly offer.

4) Personal Touch
We have no desire to be the biggest. We have no desire for the students or the leaders to get lost in the crowd or be a part of a “big worship concert event.”  From your registration, to check in, to the time on and off the stage, everyone involved with the Edge Conference wants to be there for you!  We want to share a conversation, lend a hand, and make sure you have the easiest, most enjoyable conference experience you could hope for.

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 5) Price
Finally, we want to make certain that all of the quality we offer is given to you at a value worth paying for.  In fact we want to give you more than you are paying for. When you sign up for the Edge Conference, we want you to know that lodging, breakfast, worship, Bible studies, leadership training, and a follow-up devotional for everyone are all included!

I hope that you will consider joining us at the Edge Student and Leaders conference this year. I also hope you will share the conference with someone.  We look forward to worshipping with you!

Craig Tackett

Craig is a daddy, a speaker, a teacher, a worship leader, founder of The Edge Conference, and a sinner saved by grace. After more than 20 years of traveling ministry all over the southeast, Craig is now lead pastor of Nicholasville Baptist Church in Nicholasville, KY. He is also a self proclaimed "foodie" and enjoys cooking for family and friends for any occasion.
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