New Venue

I’m sure you have heard phrases like “best laid plans…” and “expect the unexpected…” and even “be flexible because you never know when…” Well, as conference leaders and event planners we have run into one of those situations. We are thankful that God has not only granted us peace and wisdom in this time but has provided for us, as he always does, in His time!

We have been efforting calling all of our registered group on the phone. If you are a group leader and we have not contacted you yet, we will. Letters and emails are also going out even as I type this update. However, for those of you who have yet to hear the news, here is the scoop.

The Grand Hotel and Convention Center–our venue for the past several years–is no longer in business. The doors have literally been closed. This was a piece of information handed to us in early December and then verified by hotel management around mid-December.

We have been working to remedy our location woes since that time and we are excited to announce that The EDGE 2013 will go on. We have secured a new location and we are certain God has more than met our needs! The new location–the Smoky Shadows Convention Center–is just a few stoplights down the road from The Grand.


Regretfully, we have been forced to modify the daily schedule because it is not a logistical nor physical possibile for us to provide small group sessions such as the scheduled student Bible studies and adult leadership training sessions. There is simply not enough space to do them. Please accept our apologies.

However, we are excited to announce an upgrade in our lodging arrangements and the addition of a continental breakfast at the new hotel provided at no extra charge to the conference. Each of the guest rooms we will use will contain two king beds and breakfast foods will be available to those who want them on both mornings of the conference.

READ NEXT:  Today's Twitter Updates

That is the update in a nutshell. Of course, if you have any questions that we failed to answer please contact us. We cannot wait to see you. We are excited about worshiping with you! And we are positive that God has great plans to move in the hearts and lives of your students at this year’s conference.

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